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Do you think anything major is going to happen in the future?

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flobadob | 22:17 Tue 27th Jul 2010 | Society & Culture
26 Answers
As in changing the path of our existence. And if so, when?


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Flobadob - you must have great faith in the ability of ABers! Of course major things are going to happen, and yes, things will change the path of our existence. As to when nobody here on earth can predict.
Muffled laugh of course and mickey and minnie are going to marry lol...
Yep at precisely 23.00 on Thursday 27 July.

We are doomed.
You been re-reading the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy or are you on something good flobadob? Seeing as how the future may be a long, long time my money is on the answer being "definitely". The problem is knowing what and when ain't it? Back to Deep Thought then. The answer is 42.
Do you mean like the tsunami, 9/11, recent financial meltdown etc etc?

Yes I have no doubt there will be more major events to try mankinds ability to cope.
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This website to close down as it's a hallucinative drug.
@flob - I think you need to define your terms a little more. "Changing the path of our existence" - whats that mean? Species death? Becoming cyborgs?

Our increasing synergy with technology has been probably the most obvious, life changing, ongoing trend which is set to continue and possibly accelerate. Such changes can change culutres and societies. - The developing technology allowing us to shape, mould and utilize our external environment, and to shape, mould an utilize ourselves as well, with bio-implants would be my best guess.

The big downside, to me, is that a significant proportion of us could get wiped out pretty much at any time through a catastophic meteor strike ,and there is precious little we can could do about it either.This is a worrying prospect, but not worrying enough to put me off my thorough going enjoyment of day to day life :)
Actually Flob, if it's the Mayan prophecy you're worrying about - stop. As Birdie rightly says, the calendar ends on 21 December 2012, but there is no prophecy - all that comes from the imaginative speculation of the doom-mongers who look at ancient records and make of them what they will. A bit like the proponents of the bible really. ;o)
Yeah, my first number one single will cause a shift in the human races attitudes to tolerance and love.
All the religions of the world will sit down and decide that they're all correct, and God is whoever they want him/her/them to be. The lyrical magic will solve climate change, pollution, economic crisis, unemployment. And the sorcery contained within the notes will cure the common cold.
Don't worry theres a while yet, never been told by any clairvoyant/fortune teller I will die before 95 I'm only 53

There will be big events and problems mankind will face....but I believe we will work things out
and as a species of course we will change....hopefully for the better...those who love should spread the message....
Yes I believe we will be hit by a large Asteroid. Where and when I don't know but the law of averages tell me we're way overdue and that coupled with the fact that we have no defences against it tells me its not going to be good.
Well, I reckon the swelling of the sun in some hundreds of millions of years time so that the earth is frizzled up will be fairly major, and it will certainly change the path of our existence.
On the shorter timescale a catastrophic strike by a heavenly body is the most likely. That definitely changed the path of the existence of the dinosaurs.
Yup, my husband is BOUND to loose his car-key/filofax/iphone again sometime soon!!
Genetic engineering / nano technology / creation of synthetic life. All these things will transform the world over the next century (terrorists permitting).
I don't believe anything bad will happen.

How many times has the world suppose to have ended now?
possibly its very likely there could be changes yes, pointless dwelling on them because we cannot change things, we just have to roll with the punches.
Everything changes. We had a really hot summer in 1976.....haven't seen much of one since.
I will be glad when 2012 is over, people can stop moaning about the world ending then, remember all the kerfuffle about 1999 because nostradamus was supposed to have predicted the worlds end?

and what happened really?, britney spears released her first song..

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Do you think anything major is going to happen in the future?

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