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Should boxing be banned?

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anotheoldgit | 12:18 Thu 29th Jul 2010 | News
36 Answers

As previously reported parts of Spain has banned Bull-Fighting.

Should boxing now be banned in Britain?

I know the report of this woman being killed whilst Kick-Boxing, happened in the USA, but it could quite easily have happened in the UK.

Why the need for this barbaric sport? We even encourage the young to take up this 'sport'

Two humans trying to hit one another's head, hard enough to make them unconscious, it does not make sense.


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It's a barbaric sport.
I've never thought it makes sense. I'd like to see it banned.
It should be modified to minimise further any potential fatalities. Head guards should be mandatory for all fights at all levels.

All sports carry a risk, but boxing is the only one where the object of the game is to cause actual bodily harm to someone. Medically, we all know that blows to head are not good for anyone, so protective cushioning, and a change in scoring is the way forward.
Unlike the bulls nobody forces you to box......if people want to do it, and others want to watch it I think it's up to them.
If we're talking cruelty here when are they going to ban the Grand National?
If you ban boxing then won't you have to ban Cagefighting and many other Marshall Arts too?
Feather weight and middle weights should be yes, as they're no fun to watch! ;0)

I think it's a choice, the people that do it clearly know the dangers do it's their choice, just as it's mine to watch (heavy weight) boxing. I enjoy it.
^ What craft said...
// If we're talking cruelty here when are they going to ban the Grand National? //

Interesting that there seems to be no differentiation between the loss of a human life, and that of an animal. Different rules should apply surely?
full contact sports are among the most popular and best governed sports on earth so no they should not be banned. Maybe we should ban driving because young people (way more than in boxing or any full contact sport) are killed everyday, or flying which has a very small survival rate if the plane smashes............................. be real
As far as I'm aware Gromit no horse volunteers to run in the National.....
China Doll Report This(12:41 on Thu 29/Jul/10)
Feather weight and middle weights should be yes, as they're no fun to watch! ;0)

Hitman Hearns, Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, Nigel Benn, Micheal Nun, Roy Jones Junior.....etc
they were not fun to watch? You do take some pleaseing China.

No boxing should not be banned, but fighters who hardly ever win a fight perhaps should be stopped. There is many hopeless fighters out there who do it for the money.
I was at a show a couple of weeks ago and this boxer had won only 3 out of over 40 bouts.
So I'm told Mick! The lighter weights just don't do much for me, I'll watch them if they're on but it's kind of like watching a league rugby match when I really want to see the all blacks if that makes sense. I'm not particularly good with sports knowledge, can ya tell?!
Hagler V Tommy Hearns .possibly the greatest 3 round fight ever.
Cheers, will have a look later! :c)
There are a lot of sports with much higher fatalities than boxing.

The fatalities and injuries are not a sensible argument, nobody calls for motor racing to be banned when a driver dies, parchuting, skiing, scuba diving all see fatalities

It's an emotional argument and where you stand on it is down to how you see such things.

OK being a martial artist I'm biased but I don't see the need to ban it.

There is a question though about whether it needs to continue in it's professional form.

Most martial arts competitions have protective head guards in the way that Olympic boxing does.

I think that they quite possibly should be introduced in professional boxing - but I can't see it happening any time soon
This wasn't boxing, it was Muay Thai and in the report it stated that female competitors have to wear head guards.

China Doll, I am a ITF Tae Kwon-Do black belt and some of the feather weight and middle weights fights I have watched/officiated have seen some of the most skillful fighters competing. They are quicker and it is harder to stop a punch or kick getting through.
I know lots of rugby players and lots of boxer, and it's the rugby players who have always got injuries, broken bones , having to wear collars etc.... if we ban boxing then we must ban rugby (i think statistic will show it to be a far more dangerous sport.)
i think we should also ban synchronized swimming.
They should all wear headguard in my opinion Haggis especially if they're in places like leisure centres with hard floors.

There have been some bad cases of people slipping on patches of sweat and falling back and hitting their heads.
Can't stand boxing, however I don't mind anyone participating in whatever sport they want, so long as they don't want pity if they end up with brain damage or worse.
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///.if people want to do it, and others want to watch it I think it's up to them. ///

/// I think it's a choice, the people that do it clearly know the dangers do it's their choice, just as it's mine to watch (heavy weight) boxing. I enjoy it. ///

Motor racing was also mentioned, now we all know that the highest proportion of people who like to watch motor racing, like to witness the one or two odd crashes, it all adds a little enjoyment to an otherwise boring sport they say.

Well all this being the case, perhaps there is an argument to bring back Gladiatorial bouts, I wonder what the audience figures would be for them?

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