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No sex please were Muslim

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claymore | 10:16 Sat 19th Feb 2011 | Society & Culture
17 Answers
Do all the problems with radical Islam stem from the fact that they are the most religiously controlled,sexually repressed,indoctrinated society on earth? It is a totalitarian religion that is hammered into every Muslims brain from birth to death, no wonder they are fanatics, by its very nature Islam condemns every Muslim to a life of religious and political servitude.


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Well as I understand it, they aren't all like that and much of what we see as based in Islam is actually based in ethnic culture.....
Right not like celebate Roman Catholic Nuns and Priests then?

You do talk some tripe!
You beat me to it, Jake.
Do roman catholic nuns and preists not choose to become so when they are in their teens, ? thus so living quite a regular life with sex (if they wish) and generally having the choice afforded to them, muslims on the other hand are born muslims hence Quote by its very nature islam condemms every muslim to a life of religious and political servitude.
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Well Jake I can`t recall the last time I heard the local parish priest calling for all unbelievers to be killed, adulterers stoned to death,thieves to have their hands removed and extolling the virtues of suicide bombing,just to name a few of the niceties of Sharia law.
Goreblimey Claymore you do have a bee in you bonnet..Muslims like any other religion don't have to be muslims so obviously are quite happy with whatever constraints are place upon them by their chosen religion. If they weren't they would leave. You may think they are daft and you wouldn't be alone but if they are happy, leave them to it.
Irish Protestants vs Catholics and the atrocities on both sides - short memory?.

99.5% of Muslims are not 'radicals' - just like Christians.......and don't we also have our nutters (outside the priests) - wit some of the fundamentalist sect leaders in the States....or what about the KKK?
Claymore, your second post seems to prove the fallacy of your first.

If your original hypothesis was correct (i.e. that sexual repression caused the fanaticism in radical Muslims), the similar repression should have the same results in Catholic, and as you yourself point out, it doesn't. Ergo, your hypothesis is fallacious.
Muslims, radical or otherwise, are no more sexually repressed than any others, they screw around just like anyone else inclined to do so, it's just that in their society only the (often unwilling,) women get the punishment. When did you ever hear of the participating man being stoned to death for adultery? The roots of fanaticism lie elsewhere.
Were Muslim?
Not any longer then.
I wouldnt trust anyone who has been sexually repressed and only ownes one book!
well it does seem that any form of fun is banned, I can see why they seem purpetually pi55ed off!
"sexually repressed"

Sure you have this correct? Haven't you noticed the how the breed like rabbits? Each family usually having a string-band of kids...?
All religious pedants and extremists seem to have condemnation of anything "fun" in common. Those of all religions who are mainstream are seen celebrating any cause for fun and enjoy themselves pretty equally. That goes for Christians, Hindus, Muslims, etc.
agree with society - I have spent a lot of time in the ME and know various families (both male and female) and they certainly are not repressed sexually....they choose not to spread it across the Al-Khaleej Times or The Al Hawat unlike like the likes of 'Dirty' Desmond's Express and other gossip newspapers over here.
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No sex please were Muslim

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