Verbal and emotional abuse can significantly damage a child's emotional and physical well being, both short and long term, and should unquestionably be taken seriously. I know that, where I live (BC), a big contributing factor to kids falling through the cracks is overworked social workers. I suspect this is a widespread problem. Social services are chronically underfunded and lack the necessary resources needed to adequately protect children. The difference in number of files workers are supposed to be assigned and the number they actually are assigned is huge. It is quite literally impossible for them to properly and thoroughly manage their case loads. The result is children going without their basic needs being met and being made to endure abuse. In some cases, children die. I have my Social Service degree and work in the field, but am extremely hesitant to look for employment with the Ministry of Children and Families for this reason.
I am not suggesting there are no other factors that contribute to poor response and action concerning children and abuse, but do think it is high on the list. I also know it does not provide any answers as to how you can help the children living behind you. I think it is an ongoing issue, however, that people need to be aware. I think it is important for communities to advocate for the protection of children through increased support and resources. All I can suggest to you is to continue to be proactive with phone calls to social services and the police reporting the situation. It may be a good idea to keep a log of your reports as well, as evidence of the prolonged lack of response