The JW's are strong in there belief about, we are in the end of days. I.e the Book of Daniel 9:24-27. They (JW) calculate that the end of days would start in 1914- WW1.
However, since that part of the book of Daniel (there were several authors)was not written until 164c BC during the Hellenistic age and not 6th century BC as they claim. It's at odds.
So, it does not refer to a "prophecy" of the birth of Christ in the calculation. Moreover and best, is that the JW believe the fall of Jerusalem was in 607 BC, it was in fact 586(7), so there prophecy is false. And they won't here of it!
Throughout most of Daniel's book he is referring to Antiochus IV Epiphanes, as Daniel and co were in Babylonian captivity and that is what Daniel was writing about, past and upcoming events of the Syrian invasion. Not the distant future.
Also, I quoted one of Nietzcshe's maxims and they'd never heard of him. They seem vert eager to tell their "true story" even though the word Jehovah never appears in any Hebrew scripts at all.