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Valid Reasons for Atheism?

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goodlife | 21:46 Wed 09th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
45 Answers
Whether they have observed the hypocrisy of religion or not, many atheists simply cannot reconcile belief in God with the suffering in the world. some one said: “It was easier for me to think of a world without a creator than of a creator loaded with all the contradictions of the world.”

Do the world’s injustices—including those instigated by hypocritical religionists—prove that there is no God? Consider: If a knife is used to threaten, injure, or even murder an innocent person, does this prove that the knife had no designer? Does it not rather show that the object was put to a wrong use? Likewise, much of human grief gives evidence that humans are misusing their God-given abilities as well as the earth itself.

Some, however, feel that it is illogical to believe in God, since we cannot see him. But what about air, sound waves, and odors? We cannot see any of these things, yet we know they exist. Our lungs, ears, and noses tell us so. Surely, we believe in what cannot be seen if we have evidence.


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Elderman, //They have eyes, but they cannot see; they have ears, but they cannot hear.//

Wise words. You should take heed.

Sandy, there's no suggestion that he [Randolph Churchill] was a biblical scholar- simply that he was observant.
It's that age-old dilemma; to be or to do.........

Personally I'd go for 'do-be-do-be-do'. It's Frankie's world, we're just passing through...
Jack - my cat is called Frankie - does that mean he is god? That would actually make more sense than an invisible super-being.
<<As free moral agents, we too have a choice. No one—including God—forces us to do good or to do bad. However, some may rightly ask, ‘If our hearts are inclined toward badness, how can we practice what is good?’ Well, a dentist carefully inspects the teeth etc etc etc>>


you do realise it is you and your pals who are constructing and arranging all these 'questions' and 'issues' don't you?

Just you. Not god. Just a bunch of human brains exercising their inventiveness and ego-centric belief that what they think about is important.

If there is a super-being somewhere, I sincerely hope It isn't wasting any energy on these insignificant and pointless human-originated, human-orientated and human-serving questions
Goodlife, I've given you an indisputable reason for atheism.

Valid Reasons for Atheism no,it is illogical to believe in God,
Elderman, //it is illogical to believe in God, //

Ahh, common sense at last!

Now will you please address the questions I posted for you this morning?
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Belief in God, as the expression is generally used in the world, does not necessarily mean ability to explain his existence or purpose. It merely stands for a conviction that there is a Creator. All too frequently, especially in Christendom, there is a strong conception of God created in the image of man rather than the way the Bible puts it, ‘man created in the image of God.’ Perhaps equally distressing is that “believers” in God often have no idea whatsoever of who he is.
goodlife, you are talking bo11ox again!!

Where on earth do you find all this stupid nonsense!!
Goodlife, //Perhaps equally distressing is that “believers” in God often have no idea whatsoever of who he is. //

If a Creator God exists, no one - including you - has any idea who he is - you only think you do.
Ratter, he finds it all in the bible, it is so easy to find because each page is total nonsense.
Jom, but don't forget he only finds the bits he likes. ;o)
^^Yes Naomi, the most ambiguous bits !-)
as Naomi has asked on other threads, without a reply

Are you a Christadelphian?

If not, what is the name of the charity, cult or religion to which you belong?
And answer truthfully, goodlife, as you will have to answer to somebody on the Day of Judgement - Venator may be sitting there in the decision seat......
Not so, Crospostle, only Ab Editor can judge those who post here...
Although I think we mortals would enjoy the power to blast some people into the cyber darkness
Question Author
Sometimes they ask me how I can believe in God. Their reaction is understandable, since most religions do not encourage their believers to ask for proof of what they are taught or to research their beliefs. However, the Bible encourages us to use our “thinking ability.” (Proverbs 3:21) All the evidence of intelligent design in nature, together with evidence from the Bible, convinces me that God not only exists but is also interested in our prayers.

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