hi naomi, other than the quote, I do not see what was wrong with it. Unfortunately, I typed it direct onto the screen - however I did give a synopsis to china, bottom of page 1 I think.
The above quote (^) from their own "Panacea that must be obeyed" sums it all up - there is nothing else in their view and that the Book must be defended against all us "heathens". Shame to be so narrow-minded, I think.
I had a brilliant Divinity teacher at school - he opened our eyes to other religions and what they meant, as well as being agnostic and aetheist. "Understand what they mean and make your own informed choice - listen to others and manage your way through life. If you turn to God, so be it, if you do not, then it is wrong for true Christians to belittle you and preach at (underlined) you."
Hence, I do not mind good debate on religious views but what gets up my goat is the belittling and preaching, oft with wrong spins and misquotes used, on these threads recently, all involving the "Unholy Trinity."