A much maligned character who may of just been misunderstood. Was he really as bad as people have made out?
I have not met him but I have heard he is quite hot!!
This is a cruel thing to say, but necessary I think. When an atheist was at his/her lowest ebb they might then be amenable. Paradoxically, a dread of hellfire then might be the saving of them.
In comparison, he appears innocent enough in the Bible. But then who's to say he's not the one who wrote the book, creating God . . . in his own image?
@ Sandy only necessary if you have faith, belief without any evidence, in this intercessory ( is that the word I want?) god, and you are sufficiently lacking in humility that you wish to impose your world view on others.
Cruel? yes, goes without saying.But then, so much of religion is..............
Flaw in your argument Gav. Quite a few dogs of our acquaintance are little devils. Seriously though there is a lot in that. You can talk to a dog about your problems, bit the same a God actually.
Absolutely true:- Once, on my doorstep, a Mormon told me that women wearing short skirts was the devils doing. You wouldn't think he was supposed to be converting me to God would you.
There is no God. Theists have no idea that they are actually praying to the devil who disguises itself as a good God. Sometimes he gets confused and in anger causes thousands of people to die at once, but he's no fool..... he blames the bad guy, Satan.
All you theists are doomed I tell you... DOOMED!
At least the realists are promised eternity in Hell with debauchery, unlimited alcohol and good food.
Good thought, Birdie - all that stuff in the bible about stoning people to death and all the old testament killing sounds more like the baddies than the goodies.
likewise, many fun things are classified a sin, and we're told not to enjoy them.
Perhaps all theists have fallen for a whopping great PR job!