Whatever one's views on this issue, the fact remains that (pace Birdie) the Church, Roman or otherwise, is not legally or morally obliged to do anything when it comes to Holy Matrimony (a terminology which seems to be conveniently and studiously ignored at the moment). Even to this day there are some priests in the Church of England who will not sanction the marriage of a heterosexual couple where one of the partners is divorced. Like it or not, that is their prerogative and an attitude which is impervious to the passing fads of modernity. Given the rabid atheism of the majority of proponents of same-sex marriage, I can't see what they are getting uptight about in the first place. I also suspect, though I am no expert on the matter, that those of the Muslim faith have an attitude very similar to that of the mainstream Christian churches on this issue, yet I see no headlong rush to condemn them to the same extent as Christianity. I wonder why?