Local 'odd one out' quiz in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Local 'odd one out' quiz

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Churnet | 13:39 Wed 14th Mar 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
Can anyone help with a definitive answer to this 'odd one out' question, please?
John Inman, David Jason, Henry James, Elton John, John Wayne
I thought Henry James - writer not performer, Henry James - has no middle name in original names, or only person using original name but John Inman was Frederick John Inman. Surely odd one out questions should have undisputed answer. Any ideas?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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David Jason - born David John White
Henry James - born Henry James
Elton John - born Reginald Kenneth Dwight
John Wayne - born Marion Robert Morrison
John Inman - born Frederick John Inman
so poss. Henry James only known by birth name ?
Question Author
Thank you fibonacci. I had followed the same train of thought as you but John Inman's isn't such a distinct name change so I felt a bit unsure. I suspect its one of those questions that can have several possible answers but I always feel they should be clear cut.
"Surely odd one out questions should have an undisputed answer."
Precisely. I have spent a lifetime arguing against this type of question unless the answer included an explanation as to why. You could argue an equally valid plausible answer for any of the choices listed.
Simples... David jason, Henry james, Elton John and john wayne second names are usually christian names... Inman isn't
See what I mean?
Question Author
Thank you!!! That sounds a more likely answer which realtes slearly to the names as printed. At least with this quiz you have to give an indication of the reasonfor the similarity of the other 4 answers.
John Inman - others have christian names as surnames
My very good friend Inman John begs to disagree.

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Local 'odd one out' quiz

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