Sith, if you stopped seeing humour where there is none, you might understand the real implications of Islam’s stance on the use of birth control. If a couple decide not to have children, it’s their business – no one else’s - and yet you accept that other men have a right to interfere in their lives by demanding otherwise. No, you don’t HAVE to defend it – and that’s just as well because any religion that requires people to have children they, for whatever reason, don’t want – and Islam is one of them - is indefensible.
//no one can convince naomi keyplus, surely you know that ;)//
Perhaps if one of you offered a sensible argument, I might be convinced – but you don’t – ever – so I’m not.
Jom, but Keyplus is the man who claims he always answers every question put to him. Strange, because he so often avoids them. I don’t quite know what to make of it. Come to think of it, there are still a few questions outstanding here: