On the news tonight, both a representative of the Church of England and a spokesman for Islam said that since it is in direct contravention of God’s law, marriage between same sex couples must not be legalised. I don’t believe we’ve had a discussion on the subject in this section, so your thoughts?
Well no, Craft, it doesn't. We live in a modern society where we intelligently accept that people are different from each other. Being gay should not be a preclusion from anything.
If theists choose to follow the word of someone I just can't believe in, that's fine. I have no beef with that, but when that belief spills out into affecting everybody else in society, the line needs to be drawn. Who's God is right anyway?
Defending marriage by claiming gods law in this day and age is outdated and ridiculous.
Any couple that love each other and want to make a lasting, publically acknowledged commitment to each other should be allowed and positively encouraged to do so. Why does there need to be a distinction between heterosexual and homosexual?
In this issue, secular law should trump religious feeling,.
Why do same sex couples feel the need to go inside the church and have a marriage? They can have a partnership with all the same legal repercussions. From what I have read on this thread nobody with any intelligence should believe in the mumbo jumbo and fairy stories that are (in their opinion) religion. So why bother with marriage, or church ceremonies or commitment. Doing your own thing and living your own life as you want is the best way. At least that is what people on here write each day. Keep well away from religious ceremonies. Do your own thing and call it anything you like. That way we will all be happy.
Its got feck all to do with me, if gay people want to marry then by all means go for it they should have the same righst as straight people...we are all people afterall...no difference...
Have not read all the answers. To me marriage is between a man and a woman. I am of the old school. I have come round to the opinion that gays exist. Years ago they were jailed for it. I wouldn't go that far. I still don't like it though. So I say live and let live. One man's meat and all that.
I had several relatives in the past who went to mass every Sunday and Holy days of Obligation. When they died they left every thing they had to the Catholic church. Their money, their choice.
Marriage is a union of two people who love each other and want to commit to one another in front of friends, family and loved ones. What that has to do with either the church or gender I do not know. Why shouldn't we all have the same rights and why should a bunch of holier than thou old fuddy duddies get to say who does what?