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NoMercy | 08:55 Thu 12th Jul 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
49 Answers
Do you think it's as dangerous and malevolent as the media report?


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It is treated as a religon because they have a lot of money and in America MONEY talks.
Re their Tax exempt status.

This comes back, I think, to their vast quantities of cash, and their litigious nature. They were actually stripped of their tax-exempt status in the US back in I think it was late 60s? - They then slapped the IRS with a blizzard of law suits, and regularly filed, went to court, lost - for decades - until the IRS finally caved in, because of the drain on their resources that defending all these lawsuits represented. So Scientology paid what was effectively a token fine/back payment in taxes, and in return were re-instated as a tax exempt body.

It is also important to recognise that they have an extensive PR machine that lobbies ceasely for Scientology to be recognised as a religion in all of the countries they operate in. Some countries they have been successful, others less so. France is a hostile envirnoment for them - they have been classified as a cult, and were recently fined nearly a million dollars for fraudulent behaviour.

In the UK they are not exempt from tax, but are exempt from VAT - they are recognised as a not for profit organisation, rather than a religion.Despite that, it is recognised as a religion by the Prison Service and the Armed Forces.
Blimey... all quite fascinating stuff really. I had always thought it was one of those faddy things that was popular now as obviously had some big name members but would fade away in to obscurity once people stopped being interested in Tom Crusie or John Travolta; it's clearly much bigger than that and malevolent seems the correct word for it.
Nasty stuff imo, NoM, systematically milking vulnerable people of their money by preying on their insecurities. And very agressive.

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Not to mention the unexplained disappearance of the wife of David Miscavige, Scientology Leader, who has not been seen since 2007 and is thought to be being 'held' in a secret Scientology location. Is she there of her own volition? What sane person would be!
The entire point of scientology is to make people insane, how else would they belive the cr@p about souls from outer space infesting their bodies ?
The 'e' meter they use has also been totally exposed as a hoax just a box with a battery a few wires and lights .
Silly thing is I am sat here thinking how anyone can believe such rubbish
AND I go to mass every week
^^ I like it. :o)

Scientology is simply big business - and those who are actually a part of it because they believe the piffle that Scientology promotes are nuts.
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I must confess that until reading the paranoid previous post I did not realise that Scientologists might actually have their uses.
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LOL, LOL and thrice LOL!!!
People who believe in such obvious nonsense are simply stupid...end of discussion !
this article by John Sweeney doesn't make pleasant reading

Those at the very top are fully aware that it is a load of botox , but it makes them VERY wealthy so they do anything to keep the hoax going.
I just tried to click on em10's Dail Mail link and it went straight to 'this site is unavailable' co-incidence ?
sorry will have another look, but essentially when John Sweeney the journalist tangled with them, they set the watchdogs on his, very scary.
on him, this is slow typing x sorry

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