There are two passages from Josephus that mention Jesus. One is a mutilated -not forged- section, the other (found at Ant. 20.9.1) is considered to be genuine. As for the quote, it is accurate, but then we don't have any writings from the time and place of Jesus' life. This is problem of the extancy of literature from Classical history- not that Jesus did not exist. Bart Ehrman, whom the quote is attributed, has actually written a book defending the existence of Jesus, entitled "Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth"he has a chapter on the non-Christian sources on Jesus' life. Whoever made that image does not know Ehrman's position. In fact it seems to be deliberately misleading. As it happens Jesus in mentioned by dozens of Greco-Roman writers within (for antiquity) a very short time period of his life. Also for Chaka, Philo of Alexandria was not a historian!