Khandro, The question ‘Did not Muhammad call on all Muslims to kill the infidels?’ is rather misleading – but coming from a Muslim who is desperately trying to reinterpret the text of the Koran in order to make it more palatable, that’s no surprise – it’s common practice. Before you get too excited by your astonishing discovery, I would encourage you not only to read the book for yourself, but to consider that Muslims don’t believe that Mohammed (who, incidentally, was a war-monger) wrote the Koran – but believe that it is the direct and infallible word of God - and therefore whilst Mohammed may not, in their opinion, have used the Koran to encourage people to kill the infidel, Allah certainly did. Sneaky!
Similarly with Jesus. Whilst I don’t recall any record of him telling people to kill, he wasn’t the man of peace his followers would have us believe. He said he hadn’t come to bring peace but a sword, he said he had come to set man against his father, he told his disciples to buy weapons, and he was executed on a charge of insurrection – in other words, he was a trouble-maker.
I see you conveniently ignored my reference to the Promised Land – and as for John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’, of course it’s mindless. Silly me.