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Should the Authorities in Pakistan throw the book at this scoundrel?

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sandyRoe | 10:41 Sun 02nd Sep 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
40 Answers
Not only has he defiled the book his people consider the word of God, he's also tried to frame an innocent Christian child for his own crime.
Lapidation, rather than being pelted with books, might be a more appropriate punishment.


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//Under the law, anyone who speaks ill of Islam and the Prophet Mohammad commits a crime and faces the death penalty.//

If they changed the damned stupid law it couldn't happen!!
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I agree. The people there should really see that God's word, and his good name, doesn't need man made laws to protect it.
My suggestion about lapidation was just a bit of hyperbole. If he is ever convicted a more suitable punishment might be to have him confined in a Christian monastery.
The article clearly states (1/2 way down the page) "Convictions are common , although the death sentence has never been carried out . "
This speaks volumes for the Western journalism's choice of headlines - "Christian girl faces death..." etc.
I've been following the posts on this story and it was always absolutely clear that she was NOT facing the death penalty and also that she didn't do it (she has a mental illness) .
As for the cleric , he's now going to have to face the Pakistani law .
Sandy, so think throwing rocks at someone's head a good punishment, saints preserve us.
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Nooo. I admit that was my first reaction but on second thoughts...
sandy, so much for being a Christian.
i had to look the word up.
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But that's why Christianity, and lesser religions, are so important. They act as a curb on our baser instincts.
oh no you didn't say that, did you?
Rusty razor blade and testicles might be appropriate.
no that is stooping to their level, isn't that the point, we are not, should not condone this. the girl is innocent in all this, the man is responsible, but the policies that are in place, and mindset of many make this all possible.
Full weight of the pakistani law should be given to him, he was prepared to let an innocent christian girl be pilloried and all her christian family and friends run out of the village - if not killed - is it because they do not want christians in the country - me thinks so.
me thinks you are right ^^
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I doubt if that Islamic cleric knows much of the Bible. If he did he could muse on Matthew 26:52.
The bible does not exist to a muslim sandy - only one book - the koran - christians are infidels - to be lied to or about cheated etc - this is their teachings.
brenden #The bible does not exist to a muslim sandy #
Oh dear Brenden ! How do you explain the following. ?
The Koran is based on the teachings and deeds of Abraham .
He and his son Ishmael established Mecca and the shrine the Kaaba .
Jesus is their most revered prophet , second only to Muhammad .
The Abrahamic prophets are also those of Islam.
Brenden, the bible very much exists for Muslims. That's where Mohammed got his ideas from - and it has been said in these very pages that Mohammed himself is mentioned in the bible - although, of course, he isn't.
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I worded my reply badly, what I was implying was that Islam considers the Bibe corrupt and therefore irrelevant - So only the Koran is the truth.
Exactly Birdie, another reason why the world would be a better place without these vile beliefs and practices, such are religion!!

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Should the Authorities in Pakistan throw the book at this scoundrel?

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