Em-A firm belief in something for which there is no proof” is the very opposite of true faith. Of course, the dictionary may be referring to visible proof. But, where there is no proof at all, such belief is properly described as credulity. It flies in the face of the Bible definition of faith, as given at - Hebrews 11:1
Then people say if I had positive proof that the Bible is God’s Word, “I we would believe it.” Oftentimes, however, such people are unable to say what “positive proof” would be necessary to convince them. Would it be a miracle?
Jesus performed many miracles while here on earth, yet skeptics refused to accept them as proof that he was God’s Spokesman.
Prophecy, Certainly, the God of truth and Source of all wisdom, the One knowing from the beginning the end, should be able to predict what will take place in future times, including your. ( Isaiah 46:9, 10) The Bible was not written for nothing.
But because “faith is not a possession of all people,” this sharing of God’s truth will expose you to attack or ridicule. (2 Thessalonians 3:2) like Naome and others.