On a related note, you might find the attached links of interest. To summarise, 2 psychics, confident of their ability, recently agreed to a test under scientific conditions. The results were negative - no better than chance.
So its another in the long list of trials which have failed to demonstrate psychic or mediumship abilities. It is telling I think that in this most recent test, one of the mediums commented on the results, saying that they needed face to face contact with their subject. This, despite signing a disclaimer and verbally confirming they were happy and confident that their abilities would still manifest under the conditions of the trial.
The problem with claims of extrasensory abilities is simply that they do not hold up when examined. Despite many anecdotal claims of the ability, there is little or no evidence to support such a claim under validated and controlled conditions.
Nor can anyone offer a plausible biochemical and neurological mechanism by which such abilities might work that are consistent with the laws of physics. Given this lack of evidence, given the lack of a plausible mechanism, I cannot quite understand why people continue to exhibit faith that such powers exist.
Now I know its true that we cannot claim to have an exhaustive and complete understanding of physics and the architecture of the brain. We do not need to though to assess these claims of psychic ability. We merely have to test it, under controlled conditions. And there is simply no evidence to suggest such powers exist.