Far too many organisations shelter behind charitable status. Independant schools like Eton shelter revenue; cults like Scientology masquerading as religion fiercely defend their charitable status, protecting the revenue from the hapless congregation. A review of the qualification status for charities is long overdue. The Health Lottery, Richard Desmonds money making machine, has elements protected by charitable status.
The taxpayer should not be subsidising evangelical missions either.All too often such charities use religious belief as a means of discrimination.The Scouting Association is a charity, but practices discrimination against atheists, requiring a belief in some deity for membership.
In the US, a requirement of charitable status is that they refrain from involvement in secular politics - but this does not stop one Catholic Bishop from sending letters to his congregation telling them that for example homosexual marriage is intrinsically evil, and not to vote for any candidate advocating equality.
All organisations that have charitable status should be reviewed to ensure they still qualify. It is also past time when the qualifying factors for charitable status are also reviewed and amended, and to require charitable institutions to demonstrate some "public good" is a good step.