Bit confused by Cupid, are you saying that if someone of faith comes and states a view or in the case of Goodlife, someone elses view, no one should challenge it?
As you are aware there are people who have completely opposite views and in an open forum, they shouldn't state them? Problem is its totally hypocritical, isn't it? People of faith always state, I'm right, your wrong. Maybe not in those words but that what they mean. If your of faith, that's fine and I think you'll find that no one here, except those of different faiths, would say you don't have the right to your faith, however what so often happens is that people make a statement from faith and when challenged cannot, support, explain or justify the statement when challenged.
I refer you to the "Christian right" in America who maintain and argue that they are in the hands of god and were then vehement in their hatred of Obama when he won their election. When it was pointed out by their own belief system, it must be "gods will" that he won, all of a sudden its the devils work.
This is the way all faiths work today if it doesn't fit the paradigm, then you simply change it, however if an atheist challenges it, as we are more and more likely to in this day and age, we are portrayed as the aggressors.
Can you honestly tell me that the catholic church, doesn't deserved to vilified and laughed at or better still disbanded?