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Jasdaliwal | 04:27 Wed 19th Dec 2012 | Religion & Spirituality
8 Answers
Hi ok so this all started in October when I watched this show that showed people that were possessed. Ever since then I just kept thinking that I was possessed. I dont here or see thing that others don't see, I don't get nightmares, I like to b around my family and I like to hang around with my friends. Do you think I am possessed? The things that I just said do possessed people do that? I read somewhere that possessed people don like to be around people. What are signs of possession?


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Jasd, Perhaps you'll find this thread somehat pertainent to your questions -
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I am that person someone said that that isn't the correct category so I put it here
I'm pretty much in agreement with the responses that were offered in the other thread. Based on my own experience, it appears that you're undergoing a period of uncertainty regarding your identity, attempting to understand and define the boundaries of who and what you are. The only thing you're possessed by is the misinformation some have been feeding you. That feeling in your stomach is your minds way of telling you it's been poisoned, that you need to throw that trash in the garbage and leave it alone until such time as you are able to distinguish it from reality.

Reason illuminates the path of understanding that leads us out of the shadowland of confusion and uncertainty. It is the only antidote for a poisoned mind and the only means to regain full possession of your faculties.
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So I'm not possessed right
If everything is normal, which it appears to be, why do you think you're possessed?
Yes, you are schitzoid. Is your alter-ego's name Captain Crunch?
Jas, The show did not show people that were possessed though it might have shown people that were obsessed :-) Possesson is a fiction, it doesn't exist. You have nothing to worry about other than your inability to distinguish fact from fiction and the sad fact that the cynical make a lot of money out of the gullible.
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