Strangely, Goodlife, I, for one, am happy with living the life I have; it's a pretty good one. I am not so miserable, and oppressed by this world, as to live my life in the consoling belief that there is a better one yet to come. Millions of people have to tolerate misery and have only that consolation of an after life to keep them going. That has kept some churches in wealth for a long time, and the poor and oppressed stoic. Nor do I believe that a moral code, replicated in every society, Christian or not,has been laid down by any god,whether the god of Abraham or Christ, or not. Quite simple animals have the elements of one, in cooperation and doing the best for the species. That man, with evolved intelligence, can make it more subtle, is no surprise.
You may however take consolation in the thought that your God has given man the intelligence and curiosity to discover how mankind came to be, how the world was created, and how it will end. It is a mystery, and a pity, that his book was so misleading, or wrong, in its account, but clearly he works in mysterious ways