If you wish to put out credulous wafflings as "information" into the public domain, expect it to be challenged. If you present as fact what is only faith or opinion, expect it to be challenged.
If you express beliefs that are mysogynistic or homophobic, or that are dismissive of rape and rape victims,or that attribute every human triumph to god and every human tragedy to man, or that flat out reject scientific fact, expect such stupidity to be robustly challenged.
In an information age, there are better sources and resources available to anyone who wants to learn about the universe around them than the deluded witterings of faithheads who like nothing more than to pose, as a question, a subject for which they plan to offer an intellectually dishonest, unattributed cut and paste scriptural response.
Personally, I could wish that there was a much greater quantity of vitriol and invective offered to them, but I am, sadly, probably in the minority....