Your last post, once again, was a straight cut and paste job from the JW website. Once again, offered here without acknowledgement or attribution. Intellectual dishonesty.
This is the passage. from the JW site.
"The Bible writers were also meticulously accurate. After analyzing the Bible in the light of history and archaeology, writer Werner Keller said in the introduction of his book The Bible as History: “In view of the overwhelming mass of authentic and well-attested evidence now available, . . . there kept hammering on my brain this one sentence: ‘The Bible is right after all!’”
Dynamic History With Powerful Lessons
For the most part, the Bible writers were men of the earth—farmers, shepherds, fishermen. Yet, what they wrote over a period of some 1,600 years has influenced more people than any other writings, ancient or modern. Furthermore, their writings have been attacked from all quarters, but in vain. (Isaiah 40:8; 1 Peter 1:25)
Virtually word for word what Goodlife offers. But neither offer any evidence or example to support their contention - As with Goodlifes other offerngs, this is long on rhetoric, short on fact.
English as a second language is not an excuse for what I see as tawdry dishonesty. Unacknowledged cut and pasting deprives the reader of the context of the original, and might even confer a degree of authority and eloquence to the person doing the cutting and pasting, and I find such practices immensely irritating, given that the responses are almost always original content, or at least offering attribution.