@ locusts - again ,struggling with the language a little here. I assume you are citing these biblical references as some sort of proof that souls exist or something?
If you, the faithful, wish to use these stories to reinforce your faith, I suppose thats fine - but what they absolutely cannot be considered as is proof of anything at all. The bible is a collection of stories, heavily edited, quite some time after the events described, and written by mankind, so subject to lies, exaggeration, misunderstanding - or just made up.
And although the bible has been around for over a thousand years (?), I am not sure I would describe it as going strong. Over generations, different bits of it keep becoming redundant or fall out of favour. Cultures change, and some of the more xenophobic commentary from within the bible is no longer acceptable to any reasonable person, i would have thought.
The bible becomes less relevant with each passing generation. For me, the idea of an immortal soul, or even a resurrected one, lacks any kind of plausibility, and offering biblical scribblings as some sort of evidence does not change that estimation...