I would just like to applaud your most recent posts. Far. far better to hear an authentic voice rather than cut and paste from Watchtower.
Given that english is not your first language, it is very creditable.
That is not to say, however, that I am convinced by your arguments, I still disagree.
Your argument is still at its core, unconvincing though. You talk about how humans do not have the ability or the right!! to guide their own lives. You then deride "Secular" news, claiming it fails to report or hides stuff from us.
Firstly, lets deal with human abilities and rights to self determination. The ability of humans to direct the course of their lives, to set a pattern to follow for the future, and to offer improvements that make life easier is uncontested.In an eyeblink of time, geographically speaking, we have gone from being fixed to the ground to being able to fly, circumnavigating the earth. We have been able to explore our local astronomical companion, the moon - all in the space of 70 odd years! From when flight was first successfully achieved.
We have gone, in the space of around 30 years, from a global population of around 2.5 billion to a population of around 7 billion, and have developed the infra-structure, logistics and agriculture to house, feed, educate and provide places to work for the majority.
Medicine has improved in leaps and bounds.Life expectancy is on an upward trend. Child mortality is on an ever downward trend.
We have the ability - all of the above is by human hands.
And we certainly have the right to self-determination. Your notion of a god is a flawed remnant of a superstitious past, when divinity and magic was invoked to explain the unknown and later, to keep the masses in check. There is no clear and convincing evidence for the existence of god- just faith, belief and a few allegedly holy texts. Not one single piece of evidence, in over 2000 years. And which flavour of god? At least 3 abrahamic religions, numerous sub-cults, and a whole panapoly of deities to choose from. Which one is right? Which one is real? - The short answer - none of them, they all suffer from the same problem. No corroboration. No evidence. Just faith.
Religion could be likened to a bodily organ - the appendix of humanity, a vestigial organ, with no visible function, that can cause serious grief when it flares up, and which is not missed if excised from the body.
And you keep referring to "secular" news - that somehow it hides or distorts the truth.
Please give us all an actual example of what you mean.
And finally - you talk about JWs as earnest and honest brokers, concerned for humanity and wanting to bring them the "good news" - But what good news? All we ever hear from you is how bad the state of humanity is - It is relentless doom and gloom from you, offering a vision of humanity that I feel is unrecognisable. You reject science, because the evidence conflicts with your literal interpretation of biblical events.
Your truth, it seems to me, is filtered, distorted by the prism of your own faith. You happily offer a literal interpretation of creation, and continually inform us that the bible is inerrant. Yet when errors and inconsistencies in the bible are pointed out, you claim a defence that the bible is speaking metaphorically or that it needs to be interpreted in context.
You cannot have it both ways. Your faith is based upon superstition, you have no independent corroboration. You claim, on behalf of god, a subjugation of will of humanity,but offer nothing but biblical verse.
Let the scales fall off. Free yourself from the shackles of superstition, and find something worthwhile to do to help humanity.