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Okay, some very good comments so far but I will bring us back to the point of "internal vs external." Has anyone in the world of physics offered my theory of an external 'suck' which causes the inflation of the Universe? Have there been papers released theorising this?
It is in my opinion that, we must not rule out my alternative possibility to Dark Energy. The fact that we have measured the Universe and know it is not only expanding but the rate of expansion is speeding up, suggests to me an opportunity to theorise the conditions outside our universe, to which the universe is expanding into.
Is Dark Energy just the easiest way to express this phenomena?
e.g. "The rate of expansion in the universe is increasing therefore there must be a 'force' pushing space-time apart, stretching it in all directions. The maths tells us that the force required to allow the increasing rate of expansion observed, must occupy over 70% of the Universe's constitution to fit the data."
Like Einstein's leap of imagination into the bizarre and non-experimental world, from Newtonian gravity to the warping of space-time, might we be excluding the the possibility of natural forces and conditions in our external environment just because it is hard to prove/explain?? Maybe no one has the guts to go all out and suggest our universe has an external, calculable environment that may conform to our internal physical laws e.g. Nature abhors a imbalance and instability, so when presented with a source of matter/energy/space-time in a vacuum, it 'sucks' on it to equalize the pressure difference...
What is the argument FOR the existence of dark energy? Why must it be internal?