Strange how when asked whether or not such things as the church’s stance on birth control, female circumcision, child marriage, female subjugation, and the abuse of child education are acceptable the religious touchily attempt to elevate themselves to lofty heights giving the impression that they’re far too busy and important to address such trivialities. Sorry to be awkward (no, I’m not), but as human beings, the faithful must know that all of that is cruel and absolutely wrong. If any of those things emanated from a cause other than religion, the just would, quite rightly, object in the strongest terms – but the faithful are well aware that religion is responsible and therefore they close a conveniently blind eye to the suffering caused. What is it? Pull up the ladder, Jack – I’m alright!? Apart from Keyplus, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a religious person on these pages criticise another religion –– and I commend him for that because, even though he is wrong to condone most of the practices I’ve mentioned, at least he has the courage of his convictions which is more than can be said for the Christian contingent. So much for Christian love.