I do not think you can use the fact that our own human senses have a limited range when it comes to detecting sound and electromagnetic spectrum, as a means of saying that things exist that we cannot feel, hear or see. Fact is, we know how this stuff works, and we can build detectors that can hear and see all parts of the spectrum. We know that bees and other animals can see or hear different frequencies, and we know that they will experience the world differently to us - we know that flowers will look a lot different to a bird, for instance, or a bee. We can exploit Infra-Red detectors as a form of night or heat vision.
You then go on to say that you feel strongly that there are other forms of life running parallel to our own - do you mean lifeforms? or do you mean ghosts, spirits - entities linked to our own?
There have been hypotheses of multiverses, where other universes exist side by side ( if that is really a good description), but no one has suggested that we can interact with them in any way......