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What Does This Bit Of Christian Scripture Mean ?

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atalanta | 21:59 Fri 12th Apr 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
40 Answers
( Matthew 10:34)
Words which the gospel ascribes to Jesus Christ
"I come not to bring peace but a sword"
I've never understood this.
Does this mean Christianity is not a religion of peace ?


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As a first point of call have a look at this page, and then follow the references at the bottom if you are interested.
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Haven't seen that particular verse before, but it does not read or sound much like a message of love and peace, does it? It sounds like someone out to sow discord, by violence if necessary, to promote their point of view....
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.....marching on to war, with the cross of.....
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He didn’t only say that – he also said that he would create disharmony within families, and he told his disciples to sell their cloaks to buy swords. I think the confusion arises because he is alleged to have been someone and something he wasn’t – the Son of God. Personally I think he was a man (possibly the rightful King of the Jews) plotting rebellion against Roman occupation – which is why the Roman’s crucified him. He was a trouble maker. If you remove the magic and mystery, it all makes very good sense.

Incidentally, as far as I can tell, Jesus had no intention of becoming the figurehead of a new religion. He was always a Jew, and as such would have been appalled at what has been manufactured in his name.
Ezekiel 32:5-15

"I will spread your flesh on the mountains
and fill the valleys with your remains.
I will drench the land with your flowing blood
all the way to the mountains,
and the ravines will be filled with your flesh."

Certainly not my idea of peace!

Have you ever understood why nations go to war? If you discover the answer to that question, you may also discover the key to peace.
^^Have you ever answered a question directly?
Goodlife, that's not an answer.
Goodlife, you really have no idea do you!

Try answering the question, without copying and pasting!
Ratter15@ You are now going to the extreme. Not everything I write is copy & paste. Do you Really know what copy & paste is?
goodlife //Not everything I write is copy & paste. Do you Really know what copy & paste is?//

I can tell what you write yourself. It is incoherent and does not form complete sentences. A least what you copy is readable even if it is rubbish.
Why to nations go to war? Easy: Tribalism. This is hardly helped by a point of view that takes this to extremes. 144,000 only who are going to be special? Not much fun for the other several tens of billions who have ever lived.

144,000 That's just Gross!
^^ LoL Baldric
@goodlife unfortunately, for many here who have attempted to wade through your regular evangelising posts, we are all too familiar with what cut and paste is.....
Jesus rightly referred to the scribes and Pharisees as fools and blind ones, people who lacking wisdom and being morally worthless, for they had distorted the truth by man-made traditions and followed a hypocritical course, how true of you.
How about addressing the point of the OP, rather than cack-handed attempts at point scoring?

The idea that you can have any kind of foundation for calling other contributors here hypocrites, when you continually refuse to amend or change your policy of intellectual dishonesty, of lying for jesus is staggering.

Your posts epitomise the worst instances of cut and paste practice.

No attribution of the cut and paste.
Passing off the works of others as your own, and your inability to defend the points raised in the cut and paste screed you have posted.
You routinely refuse to offer links to the original source of your cut and paste efforts, thus denying readers the opportunity of assessing the value of the source itself.

When reduced to your own words, you are mostly incomprehensible ( which, to be fair, might be because english is not your first language) or petty and vicious.

Whatever else you are, goodlife, you are a poor exemplar for anyone seeking wisdom or any positive benefits of being a believer or JW.

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