I usually sit at the back of the meeting, and let those who wish to partake of their meeting, but DON'T engage in it. Let everyone get on with what they wish.
I do pray from time to time, and usually they are answered. At the moment, I am praying that one family member will find it in their heart to forgive another family member - it's gone far enough.
As this question is hypothetical and with a little suspension of disbelief I have no problem in answering it. My prayer would be...'please let everyone understand that true ignorance is ignorance of ignorance, so that those who think they understand most will realise that they understand least.'
If I was to now waste my time with such a pastime, I would pray for peace on Earth (REALLY) and that all peoples would respect and get on with each other. Also that everyone should be free to partake in each religion, except when the doctrine of that religion demands special considerations from Society.... [which nearly all do].
You don't need to be called upon to pray - you just think- that is enough. By the way I believe in having a faith that's my opinion of course - because it has got me by through the years. But still believe a God is there for everyone and it is the same God whether Muslim, Hindu, Roman Catholic, Protestant. I don't believe there are 10 Gods - it is same God but different reactions/prayers. Prayers help me and that does me - good night every one.