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How Much Of The Bible Is Forged ?

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modeller | 17:10 Tue 28th May 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
21 Answers
I've read various reports on the literacy of the diciples and of only 1% literacy in general at the time of Jesus. What is the likelihood that this site
has some validity. ?


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There is a long tradition of historys being handed down in verbal form. People couldn't read or write, so history, tales were passed down by word of mouth. Indeed in certain tribes a person and their family were holders of the history.

This is still used today by the Aborigines of Australia, but was once world wide.

This is why the bible wasn't written at the time of Jesus. When it was written it was written in many languages, not just latin.

So you have a history that came from many people and was written in many languages.

This obviously leads to the many contradictions and after many years who know what was gained and what was lost, as well as those who would seek to turn a religion to their own advantage and purpose.

Until the Vulgate bible there wasn't , by concensus, an authorised bible, however what was contained within was edited and censored.

It would appear to me that what we got was a lot of folk tales that were attributed to one man, embellished, polished, altered with no editor to point out the contradictions.

Forged all of it because by definition, not one word of it can be from god.

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