Kissmequik //I think we find these people in all walks of society, angry twisted and violent people just looking for an excuse to attack others so many find this "outlet" in religion and twist the facts to suit their needs maybe? //
They don't have to twist the facts. The justification for things they do are explicitly written in the Qu'ran as plain as the nose on your face.
The twisting is done by the supposed "moderates" who cherry pick the parts they agree with while conveniently ignoring the religious justification it provides for violence, murder, deceit, misogyny, rape and enslavement in the name of their faith.
Why don't you actually read what is in the Qu'ran.
Here is an objective discussion of its conents and offerings on many subjects.
When you finish there, take a look at the Bible, particularly the Old Testament. It isn't hard to see that the Abrahamic religions lie at the root of much of the trouble that confronts humanity.
Then you might begin to have some idea why atheists are passionate about undermining the foundations of religion in an attempt to avert the coming disaster driven by these beliefs.
And please stop aplogising for the faithful. The blood of the victims of religion is on the hands of all those who lend their support to these faiths.