Its the sheer number if instances you can find which are associated with the harms due to faith that make it so dangerous and noteworthy, Woofgang.
Leaving aside the more egregious examples of harms done through the divisiveness of religious belief - from muslims vs christians in Nigeria through to Sunni versus Shia across the middle east and protestant vs catholic in Ireland, you then have preachers/pastors/imams or whatever exhorting the faithful to commit heinous acts on others because of blasphemy, or because they have a different sexual orientation or whatever.
And then you get examples like the one chris offers, or this one from the US involving parents whose religion means they believe in faith healing - they have now had 2 sons die through preventable illness through not seeking medical help, and have been charged and found guilty of murder for the most recent death of their second son.
Its that cumulative effect of all the zealousness and evangelism and fundamentalism that causes humanity harm, day after day after day.