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Will There Come A Confrontation Between Those Who Don’T Believe In God’S Existence And God Himself ?

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goodlife | 15:18 Mon 16th Sep 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
76 Answers
The fact is that you can not see God does not disprove the existence.


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No. In time those who don't believe will stand in shock and abject misery before the judgement throne. They'll be expecting the worst. But to their great delight they'll find themselves being judged on their actions during this life rather than what they've said. There will be a confrontation of sorts. The goodly unGodly will have to confront the fact that...
12:02 Tue 17th Sep 2013
By the time most of us "pop our clogs" we shall be so past caring it wont matter. We sure won't be looking for confrontations, not even with you Goodlife.
Was the sub-text of my last post, that people who post lengthy passages from their books of choice, never answer a direct question, and waffle on regardless of what directed at them, might be chatbots that need a bit of fine tuning, buried too deep?
Yes, I think it was.

Night all.

(excuse the recap)

The Turing prize was all about writing software capable of fooling the observer into thinking they were interacting with an actual person. Chat implies back-and-forth exchange, listening to the real human and responding accordingly. Although cut'n'pastes are being chosen as responses, you can hardly describe these as 'responsive'.

The more I read them, the more I get the impression that JWs have been honing those paragraphs, through the process of years of arguments on doorsteps or in online forums. Errors pruned out, rough edges rubbed down and polished to a shine. Made pleasing to the ear and inoffensive.

Or drained of emotion, personal quirks and thus impersonal, if you want to look at it like that. Corporate, even.

I'm convinced there is a real person there, pressing that Submit button but I fear we will never find out whether they are witty or interesting because they have a one-track mind, at the moment and bang on about the very thing a group of us have no interest in.
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True,some do accuse Jehovah’s witnesses of having a one-track mind. Well, what of that? So long as they are on the right track or road, what matters.

That is just what makes the difference between survival and destruction.

Jehovah’s witnesses may have what is called a one-track mind, did not Jesus say: Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, . . . whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it—Matt. 7:13, 14.
No there won't be a confrontation because God is figment of the imagination of some ancient ignorant arrogant misogynists.

The confrontations are largely between the competing factions that imagine different versions of what they all call God by one name or another

Peace will only come when intelligence renders the concept of Gods and prophets to the rubbish bin of philosophical ignorance.
Jesus also said His kingdom would come before the passing of some of those who He was speaking to.

That kingdom is now nearly 2000 years late now but like one hundred generations before them, the believers still expect it is coming.

Religion is nothing sophisticated more than a primitive cargo cult.
naomi //Never has a man in all of history been so misrepresented.//

Except that Jesus isn't part of history at all. He appears from nowhere decades after He was supposed to exist.

Jesus was no more real than Harry Potter. Simply a character in a work of fiction. The great thing about fiction is that the characters can do anything the author dreams of. Walk on water, heal the dead, fly on a broom, etc etc ad nauseum.
But the ships were real, Beso. So were the cargoes. Any rational comparison between Christianity and cargo cults muust be flattering to the latter, don't you agree?
"Why...?... You never interact..."

Goodlife is probably A WatchTower ”pioneer”, Andy. Pioneers are unpaid missionaries. They have to spend so many hours “bearing witness to the Truth(!)”. All the time spent on forums like this will be logged. (In fact in the sixties all JWs kept time-sheets recording the amount of time spent preaching. These time-sheets were all in the public domain so that missionary zeal could be compared. Interaction which some of you are calling for is not necessary. In fact debate is pointless seeing that Goodlife knows he or she is right and the rest of us are wrong. The notions of persuasion and argument are rather beyond Goodlife’s powers of comprehension, I’m afraid. You can see the quality of the transmitters. Receptors? Non-existent. No point in speaking to this person.
Godlife //Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, .//

The purveyors of the Jesus cult know that that their followers must eschew looking beyond the confines of the doctrine because they would otherwise realise the sham. Little wonder they quote their mythical leader with words to discourage intelligent consideration.
Beso, //Except that Jesus isn't part of history at all. //

Possibly - but it's debatable.
//No point in speaking to this person.//
I agree with vetuste_ennemi, there's no point in responding to this person. S/he is preaching and as such the post should be regarded as spam.
I might actually believe that goodlife is a chatbot if it weren't for the fact that the few original lines of text he writes every now and then are on the whole badly phrased and punctuated.

Nice try andy-hughes for attempting genuine communication, but as you see, it's always fruitless.
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//but as you see, it's always fruitless//

Yes,But as having regard for time it will cost you something. Yet We all have the same amount of time to invest each week—168 hours.

How well do you invest your time? Does it show that you really know what time it is from God’s standpoint,No,

Which poet’s words do you want applied to you?
This one:
Time goes, you say? Ah no!
Alas, Time stays, we go.”

Or this one:All day long I will bless you,
And I will praise your name to time indefinite, even forever.”—Psalm 145:2.

Which one it is will depend on whether you really know what time it is.
"I know what time is until I am asked to define it". St. Augustine (I think).
Goodlife, as a Jehovah’s Witness you are hardly qualified to preach about time. How many mistakes have your bunch made in predicting the end of it?
time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
and they also like lemons.

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