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So Proud.....but So Disgusted

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mrs_overall | 06:54 Fri 13th Mar 2015 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Last night Youngest Junior Overall was coming home from school and was waiting to cross a busy main road. Waiting to cross from the other side of the road was an elderly lady. When there was a gap in the traffic they both set off but the lady tripped and fell over in the road. YJO went to her assistance, shielded her from oncoming cars, checked sure she wasn't hurt, helped her to her feet and to safety and then retrieved her belongings which had spilled from her bag. He received several angry toots and glares from motorists throughout. He then escorted her to her destination (her friends house), holding her hand all the way.
The whole incident would have been witnessed by numerous motorists and scores of pedestrians (remember, a large school had just disgorged around 900 pupils and lots of staff) yet only one 14 year old boy, my kind and caring son, stepped in to help.
I am so very proud of him but disgusted that no one else went to help.
If this is society today, then you can keep it.


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Blooming dyslexic keyboard.....

*checked to make sure she wasn't hurt*
Mrs. O you have every right to be proud of him. Also of yourself for bringing him up right. I salute you both.
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Thank you
(he takes after his mother lol)
What a wonderful kind & caring son you have brought up Mrs O, shame on the others for being so pig ignorant, he's a credit to you :-))
When I hear things like this I despair of society in general. Your pride in him is justified, Mrs.O. Good boy!
well done for the way you have raised him
well done jnr o
Good for him :-) xx
He's an example to the rest Mrs. O. A credit to you, and you are a credit to him.
If this is society today, then you can keep it.

I don't believe that is a reflection of today's society, I'm not sure why the good folk of Whitby would act in such a way.
What a lovely lad, a credit to his Mum.
What a credit to you, mrs_o. Well done to him. I am very surprised that no one else bothered to help.
I do wish elderley people would use proper crossings rather than trying to rush across busy roads. Around here, they seem to think that wandering across the road waving a walking stick will prevent them being knocked down.
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He said that when he set off with her to take her to her friends house, he noticed that there were a lot of people standing and staring (including some adults). Why didn't anyone help?

Mrs O you have a lad to be proud of, also give yourself a pat on the back for raising him what I call the proper way, to look out for others in need.
Well done both of you.
Rubbernecks Mrs. O. No use to man nor beast. They should all be ashamed of themselves.
I don't know the answer to that, mrs_o.
I think a lot of people are reluctant to get involved with anything that might put them out.
...or anything they might get sued for...
Good point pix. But if that is the reason then my last post applies.

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So Proud.....but So Disgusted

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