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One of the Hebrew words conveying the idea of worship (ʽa•vadhʹ) basically means “serve.”
Peoples of all nations are flooded with nationalistic propaganda through their own newspapers, magazines, radio and television. Hemmed in by boundaries and censorship, the peoples’ thinking is confined to their own nation, to worshiping it, to idolizing it. This controlled thinking affects almost everyone’s mind
So all people are inclined to worship someone or something, even if it is to worship one’s own self.
Did you know a person who sourly says, “I do not worship anybody or anything! is really a worshiper of himself. He makes himself a human god, but due to his egotism he is unaware of that fact.
It is obvious that man cannot create better world.
Why, look at all his efforts over millenniums of time. Look at all the scientific means he has at hand today. And yet man has proved to be unable to bring this earth up to a state free from drought, famine starvation, War,and so on.
Something has been wrong. This has to do with man’s worship. He has obscured the true worship. He has failed to worship the Creator of all things, the divine Planter of the original earthly home, but no you love it the way it is