Quizzes & Puzzles9 mins ago
Is My Mom Unreasonable
8 Answers
Ok I just need a answer if my mom is unreasonable or not I don't want some weird thing about how we just need to see each other's side of the argument or anything ok so here.
My mom first of all does not listen to me at all I will say a opinion about something and she just immediately shuts it down and is like well I don't care. Recently she took away my electronics because of "drama that drained her" and I couldn't find my phone at first which had a text that she said something that would have been able to avoid that drama and I said sorry but she still took them away and now se won't give them back and she keeps blackmailing me to do whatever she wants me go do and says if you don't you will never see your phone again like she wants me to take some pills that only I have to take and she says they are supplements but then why doesn't she or my brother or sister OR dad have to take them also they whereby prescribed for me and she says if I dot take them she won't give me my phone back. She also forces me to go to like stupid camps or activities and I will come up with something but nothing's good enough for her like I said I would swim for fun or play ANY instrument and I did girl scouts for a while until the troop didn't want to be a troop anymore so she just signs me up for things and I'm sorry but I just don't like spots and she can't accept that so she signed me up for a tennis camp and that is where the drama came from and she texted me that I could go for 3 days at least. But I didn't have my phone so I didn't know that and I fought her until my friends mom told us. And I said sorry and that I didn't know she made that deal but she didn't listen but anyways she will say do something out of my house so I will say like an instrument (because I like to play music) so then after I say this she changes to well that is not a active sport! OMG this is so annoying. That is just one of my many problems with her. Another example is she treats me SO SO SO SO. Unfairly from my other siblings because they do sports so they automatically have a pass to pretty much do whatever they want none of them have wet once had their phones take. Away or forced to do stupid camps. The also call me ungrateful which makes me want to scream because they are sooooo much more ungrateful I guess I have like nice stuff but then they treat me like butt u would rather sleep on a couch and have nice parents then this but THEY. Oh my god they are so ungrateful of me I am firkin awesome (I'm being sort of sarcastic/over dramatic) but I seriously I get almost perfect grades I get maybe like 1 B on my report card at the worst and u don't even work hard in school so I am smart and I play 5is instruments I really play 3 and play around on 2 but still also I am great at art and origami and like to read and they still don't care which makeshift soda I could be doing firkin drugs or having boyfriends or cussing or being a kid punk or be suicidal or have bad grades or have some weird self confidence issues but no I just sit at home I Netflix and do origami and eat blueberries. Oh have I mentioned my favourite foods are blueberries,noodles, and I like steak and chicken and artichokes and my mom keeps saying I eat horrible seriously! At least I don't eat twinkles all day and hate fruits and vegetables
We'll this isn't all but if I write more I might break my iPod (which is how I am writing this) also I am sorry if there is any typos I type fast and am not very good at it I probably also didn't like wrote this good like it had a lot of or and ands and I barely put in any punctuation that's because I am lazy and to mad to put any in so if you can decode this pleas tell me what you think and did I mention they hit me from time to time (just saying)
My mom first of all does not listen to me at all I will say a opinion about something and she just immediately shuts it down and is like well I don't care. Recently she took away my electronics because of "drama that drained her" and I couldn't find my phone at first which had a text that she said something that would have been able to avoid that drama and I said sorry but she still took them away and now se won't give them back and she keeps blackmailing me to do whatever she wants me go do and says if you don't you will never see your phone again like she wants me to take some pills that only I have to take and she says they are supplements but then why doesn't she or my brother or sister OR dad have to take them also they whereby prescribed for me and she says if I dot take them she won't give me my phone back. She also forces me to go to like stupid camps or activities and I will come up with something but nothing's good enough for her like I said I would swim for fun or play ANY instrument and I did girl scouts for a while until the troop didn't want to be a troop anymore so she just signs me up for things and I'm sorry but I just don't like spots and she can't accept that so she signed me up for a tennis camp and that is where the drama came from and she texted me that I could go for 3 days at least. But I didn't have my phone so I didn't know that and I fought her until my friends mom told us. And I said sorry and that I didn't know she made that deal but she didn't listen but anyways she will say do something out of my house so I will say like an instrument (because I like to play music) so then after I say this she changes to well that is not a active sport! OMG this is so annoying. That is just one of my many problems with her. Another example is she treats me SO SO SO SO. Unfairly from my other siblings because they do sports so they automatically have a pass to pretty much do whatever they want none of them have wet once had their phones take. Away or forced to do stupid camps. The also call me ungrateful which makes me want to scream because they are sooooo much more ungrateful I guess I have like nice stuff but then they treat me like butt u would rather sleep on a couch and have nice parents then this but THEY. Oh my god they are so ungrateful of me I am firkin awesome (I'm being sort of sarcastic/over dramatic) but I seriously I get almost perfect grades I get maybe like 1 B on my report card at the worst and u don't even work hard in school so I am smart and I play 5is instruments I really play 3 and play around on 2 but still also I am great at art and origami and like to read and they still don't care which makeshift soda I could be doing firkin drugs or having boyfriends or cussing or being a kid punk or be suicidal or have bad grades or have some weird self confidence issues but no I just sit at home I Netflix and do origami and eat blueberries. Oh have I mentioned my favourite foods are blueberries,noodles, and I like steak and chicken and artichokes and my mom keeps saying I eat horrible seriously! At least I don't eat twinkles all day and hate fruits and vegetables
We'll this isn't all but if I write more I might break my iPod (which is how I am writing this) also I am sorry if there is any typos I type fast and am not very good at it I probably also didn't like wrote this good like it had a lot of or and ands and I barely put in any punctuation that's because I am lazy and to mad to put any in so if you can decode this pleas tell me what you think and did I mention they hit me from time to time (just saying)
Best Answer
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There's a lot of information in here and I'm not sure more than a handful of people will try to digest it all.
Can you summarise in a couple of sentences what the concern is? You might get more help that way
There's a lot of information in here and I'm not sure more than a handful of people will try to digest it all.
Can you summarise in a couple of sentences what the concern is? You might get more help that way
Daisygraham. Well that took some getting down in print. I read it 3 times before replying. So here goes. I guess you are pretty frustrated with life at the moment, its not easy having brothers and sisters sometimes, I know. Daisy would you believe that I am the oldest of 13 children! Yes you read that right 13. Boy that was tough at times, Clever boy, top of the class, no mobile phone, no computer, ipod, ( I see you still have yours), no TV till I was about 10, and that was black and white. I would guess again that you are a young teenager or nearing that age. I had seven younger sister and remember their unfathomable mood swing at that age. Hang in there Daisy it will pass. I will tell you a little story. I knew a boy who left home as a young teenager because he was so fed up with his circumstances. 5 years later when he went back home to visit his parents he was AMAZED at how much they had learnt. (^_+)
On the face of it, I would say she is being unreasonable. She has three 'sporty' kids and one who doesn't like sport but she refuses to acknowledge that personality difference.
Sending you to camps all the time seems to be an effort to get you out from under her feet. But only for a few days at a time. Some parents (the well off ones) ship their kids off to boarding schools and only see their children in school holidays. They can then work long hours or live the high life while knowing their kids are looked after. It doesn't mean they don't love their children.
Going to camps is a good way to meet others of your own age and make new friends. If you've been spending days indoors, on your phone all the time, maybe she wants you to be more outgoing? Do more exercise, too?
Taking your phone away is either because the texts you send to her have annoyed her (in which case you will have to ask her the reason why) or she wants to prevent you getting/keeping boyfriends or prevent you from posting things on the internet which will cause legal action or get her/your father fired and so on. Not deliberately but by being clumsy. Even bright people can behave thoughlessly but what you write on the internet is both permanent and easy to search.
If you wait a few days and google "my mom sends me to tennis camp", you should be able to find this thread.
The 'dietary supplement' is puzzling. Have you ever seen the packet they come out of? Are they vitamins, diet pills, medication or what?
Your siblings get different treatment simply because they are older. Its easy to fall into the trap of believing "me too, I'm ready for that" when they get gifted something nice on account of being more mature than you are. Your parents can't buy four of everything all at once; they may need to save for another year to buy the next car, for the next oldest sibling and so on. You will get your turn.
At all times, just remember that whatever you do to annoy your mum, it is the fourth time she's been subjected to it. Firstborn probably gets away with it, as it everything is a new experience to them. Child 2 is "oh, this again", Child 3 is "oh no, not again", Child 4: they either roll with it or they lose their patience. It's not your fault that they've been through it before but it would be unreasonable of you to expect them to have the patience of a saint and put up with any old **** that you dish out.
Sending you to camps all the time seems to be an effort to get you out from under her feet. But only for a few days at a time. Some parents (the well off ones) ship their kids off to boarding schools and only see their children in school holidays. They can then work long hours or live the high life while knowing their kids are looked after. It doesn't mean they don't love their children.
Going to camps is a good way to meet others of your own age and make new friends. If you've been spending days indoors, on your phone all the time, maybe she wants you to be more outgoing? Do more exercise, too?
Taking your phone away is either because the texts you send to her have annoyed her (in which case you will have to ask her the reason why) or she wants to prevent you getting/keeping boyfriends or prevent you from posting things on the internet which will cause legal action or get her/your father fired and so on. Not deliberately but by being clumsy. Even bright people can behave thoughlessly but what you write on the internet is both permanent and easy to search.
If you wait a few days and google "my mom sends me to tennis camp", you should be able to find this thread.
The 'dietary supplement' is puzzling. Have you ever seen the packet they come out of? Are they vitamins, diet pills, medication or what?
Your siblings get different treatment simply because they are older. Its easy to fall into the trap of believing "me too, I'm ready for that" when they get gifted something nice on account of being more mature than you are. Your parents can't buy four of everything all at once; they may need to save for another year to buy the next car, for the next oldest sibling and so on. You will get your turn.
At all times, just remember that whatever you do to annoy your mum, it is the fourth time she's been subjected to it. Firstborn probably gets away with it, as it everything is a new experience to them. Child 2 is "oh, this again", Child 3 is "oh no, not again", Child 4: they either roll with it or they lose their patience. It's not your fault that they've been through it before but it would be unreasonable of you to expect them to have the patience of a saint and put up with any old **** that you dish out.
Ok so I get that that last one was pretty long and I don't know you guys got i was the youngest of 4. Well I'm not i am the middle child the second and there is three kids in my family my older brother, me , and my little sister my brother is 16 I am 13 and my sister is 7 like I said my parents forced me to go to camps I had to do two for three days only even thought there where both 5 days I just don't really like people so that's why. And All of the kids there where way younger than me I was almost as old as some of people who where teaching it and some of the kids there I knew because I was there PA at Girl Scout camp which Idk if you know what that is but I was pretty much their leader. But my mom just won't accept that maybe not all kids like camp and trust me they have looked at boarding school and camps across the county that go for weeks. So my moms "expectations" of me are to get up everyday get ready for the day and clean up all of my messes which is reasonable but the was she asks me is very rude and I told her to maybe be nicer but she doesn't also I get up kind of late and like to eat and relax before I get up and she would rather have it so she wouldn't even see me before I am up and ready for the day. Another thing I have a problem with is how she just takes away my electronics and says they are hers even though I bought my iPad with my own money and she bought the others for me and I get they are still kind of her but it just irritates me when she says I don't own them. I want to say a lot more but this is already long enough so here are some just short sentences of of problems. You can't reason with here at all. She always yells at me and has me in tears at least 4 times a week. She expects me to do thing right away while she is standing there telling me to do them which irritates me. Finally she yells at me to do things while she is talking to me about doing them like she will be telling me to do this and why and all of this stuff so I listen to her instead of walking away and doing what she wants me to do in the middle of her lecture so she stars yelling at me against jig why I haven't done what she asked me to do . Ok I know I said this was going to be short but is wasn't oops. I just want a answer like yes or no and why please don't say we'll every teenager goes through a roughy time or yes and no and I know some of these things aren't that bad but together it just gets really tiering
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