times have changed. If Jesus was present today in his human form, he'd be on twitter, facebook, bbc, hello magazine, sky news etc spreading his joyous word. Probably taking a few selfies 'me and leper - healed :) lol'
What gave people happiness in biblical times differs to what brings us joy now. People need to become less intense about interpreting every word of the bible and go with their morals. My one moral T'reat others as you would like to be treated yourself' would knock out a few commandments in one go:
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
I don't see how doing good unto others is joyless? I don't fret about going to heaven or hell, I worry more about how my husband would cope without me washing, cooking, making the bed and so on