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Naoni@ Are you grateful to your parents for bringing you into the world. But your life actually did not come from them in the first place.
They only passed life on to us, for with the Creator is the actual source of life. (Psalm 36:9)
We also appreciate our parents for having provided life’s necessities. Yet, while these essentials were obtained by either their money or their labors, they did not create such needed things. Hence, we have much greater reason to feel indebted to our Creator.
Were it not for the One who created the earth and made all its provisions for sustaining human life, no amount of money or laborious effort could keep us alive. As the Christian apostle Paul pointed out to the Greeks in ancient Athens: “He [the Creator] himself gives to all persons life and breath and all things. For by him we have life and move and exist.”—Acts 17:25, 28.
Despite all that the Creator has done and is doing for mankind, millions today totally disregard him and certainly do not thank him for the numerous benefits they already have received.
Some, although grudgingly acknowledging that there must be a Creator, make little effort to learn more about him or his will. Others, numbering into the millions, even deny that there is a Creator, claiming that all things just came into existence by themselves.
What shocking ingratitude! Such lack of appreciation is one of many indications that we are in “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5)