Scholars and amateurs are always trying to "make a fit" for the scary Book of Revelations and the statements of Nostrodamus. Revelations is considered dubious even by many Christian scholars, as it was written during one of the periods when the early Church was getting a hard time from one of the crazier Roman emperors, hence the apocalyptic images and the reassurance that justice will be done and the good guys will be winners, even if we have to wait for the afterlife.
What messages are there for us? If a prediction was spot-on, does is mean all the others are right too? Is predicting the future possible? It hasn't happened yet and therefore can be changed if warnings are heeded (so the "prediction" doesn't come to pass anyway).
Rather than looking for mystical signs and cryptic messages, if you want Bible advice, just stick to the words of Christ. He played down the Old Testament obsessions such as smiting of enemies, hence his unpopularity among the establishment of his lifetime, and instead urged us to be as good as we can towards other people. Sounds to me like a sensible formula for a better world.