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Do You Believe In Anything Spiritual ?

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modeller | 15:42 Wed 01st Jun 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
93 Answers
I am an Atheist but I don't have anything that, I know of, in common with other Atheists . I know several non religionists who don't believe in any specific religion but nevertheless believe in the concept of a God.


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I think from my experiences at Spiritualist churches and seances that a spiritual realm is likely. Not certain of course but I've experienced things that don't seem to have a better explanation. But that is a different issue than whether there is a God and if so what form it would take.
No. I've been to a spiritualist church, while I still vaguely believed in stuff like that. My time there convinced me it was all a load of bunkum.
The word 'spiritual' has many meanings most of them nothing to do with 'spirits'
So sing us a song jomifl :-)
Confused, nothing more than that.
or songs :-)
Surely if you believe in the concept of some God you're not an Atheist?
Modeller, you are right to believe in the concept of a god, for the concept of a god does indeed exist. Belief in an actual god other than a lump of carved wood or stone however is more problematical.
Yes, I do. I had quite a long period (over 10 years years) of being agnostic, verging on atheistic and having hard debates inside myself.

One day I had a spiritual experience quite out of the blue, don't ask- I don't talk about it, and that was that, forever. At a bit of a loss I tried the C of E because a friend attended (I was baptised C of E, but raised Methodist). I have found some comfortable churches and some not so. I don't have to be subservient to the Archbish. of Canterbury and some of the dafter ideas that emerge. I have now found my niche in a little country church which is an extension of the village and I am very happy. Diverged a bit, but the answer is still 'yes'.
Modeller....surely you have something very important in common with other refuse to believe in superstition.

Atheist doesn't believe in any religion and that includes the "concept" of a God.
Keyplus, //Confused, nothing more than that.//

For once you're right. Spirituality should never be confused with religion. Sadly it usually is.
Mikey the very fact that we can discuss a god that doesn't exist proves that the concept of a god exists.
Jom....but I am an Atheist and the "concept" doesn't exist for me. It might for others, but not for me. If it did, I would have to seriously question my Atheism.

I am not an Atheist by accident, or default. I have studied the subject and thought hard about it, and came to the conclusion when I was in my mid-20's, after having had a pretty strict Catholic upbringing.

But what other people believe is up to them. As long as it doesn't effect me personally, I am quite relaxed about the issue.
If the concept doesn't exist for you, what have you just been discussing ?
OG...I have been responding to Modeller's thread, just like you !
Have you ever thought of going into politics ?
OG....As Bea Clissold, Lady Counterblast, would have said.....many, many times !
mikey, I think what they are saying, and I agree, is that the "concept" exists not the God.

Clearly their is a concept, whether you believe in that concept of there being a God is another thing all together.
Ratter...this concept could also be said to exist about the tooth fairy, elves, and Gandalf.

My personal opinion is that it is just lazy intellectual thinking, but I am quite prepared to accept that it may be the same for everybody.
Going back to the OP, a concept of God exists because people believe in him/it. I'm not sure that is what the OP meant though. I read it to mean that he thinks atheists believe there is something else out there; not God, but something else spiritual.
This atheist doesn't, although as I've said before I like to think of dead people that I've loved somehow existing and communicating up there in some way, because I can't cope, otherwise.

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