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Indefatigable Brigitte

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Khandro | 10:32 Sat 01st Oct 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
15 Answers
B.G. Socks it to 'em, (and without notes too).


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FRC = The Family Research Council (FRC) is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization.

Bridgitte Gabriel = Right wing fruitcake journalist.

A match made in heaven.

She lost me when she said that Mo and his 11 friends when to Medina and massacred all the Jews. Just 12! The Jews must have been terrible fighters.
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Grommit; //FRC = The Family Research Council (FRC) is an American conservative Christian group and lobbying organization.//

Yes. So?

//Bridgitte Gabriel = Right wing fruitcake journalist.//

Why "fruitcake"? I think, she's bright as a button.

You may or may not be right on the accuracy of one tiny statement of unimportant fact in a sweep of 1,400 years of Islamic history (I can't be bothered to check), but only a fool would believe that, even if true, it is sufficient grounds for dismissing the entirety of her thesis.
As the Koran is full of similar ridiculous assertions I suspect she is probably correct, though.

Gromit, //She lost me when she said that Mo and his 11 friends when to Medina and massacred all the Jews. Just 12! //

She didn't say that. She said for 12 years Mohammed was unable to recruit anyone other than his family and friends - and she's not a fruitcake - she's a smart lady.
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Wow, thank you for posting Khandro. If only more people would listen and take on board what she's saying, especially the movers and shakers of this world. Or if that is too much to hope for, for them to at least bear in mind that what this lady is saying might just be the truth. instead of immediately dismissing it without further thought because it's not what they want to hear.
Ladybirder, several of us here have been saying what she’s saying for a very long time, only to be met consistently with the ignorance she’s talking about. Perhaps in future we should simply post a link to that video in the hope that those who stubbornly refuse to investigate anything that falls beyond the parameters of their restricted world view may eventually have the wherewithal to watch it - and to digest it.
I suggest you read about the history of Islam yourselves rather than believe this playschool version.
Gromit, I have - and had you taken your own advice (which clearly you haven't) you would be aware that this is not a playschool version.
I know naomi, I have been reading it on here for many years. Posts from such as yourself, Birdie, vetuste_ennemi, Khandro, Beso and others, have certainly opened my eyes. It amazes me how you all have the patience to carry on, tear after year only to be met with, as you say, ignorance and a refusal to investigate that which you and the others say might be true. More power to your collective elbows.
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ladybirder, You've probably seen Brigitte Gabriel on this one before, but at the risk of repetition I'll post it again, there is nothing "playschool" about it, all her facts are verifiable.
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A few "playschool" facts for Gromit;

October 2, 2016 at 5:30 am

Three Muslim men slaughtered a 15-year-old Christian student, Wajaesh Shono. One of the murderers was the boy's schoolteacher. — Pakistan.

A Muslim mob killed and beheaded a Christian pastor's wife based on a false accusation of "blasphemy." — Nigeria.

His father and stepmother became furious when they learned of the boy's conversion. They began... starving him, in keeping with Islamic law recommendations for apostate women and children. — Uganda.

As usual, Egyptian TV reported the one-sided attacks from the Muslim majority on the Christian minority as "clashes." After arriving, the police stood back and allowed the mob to continue rioting, plundering and setting more Christian homes and vehicles on fire. — Egypt.

A Christian woman who escaped ISIS said the militants "married and divorced" her as many as nine times every night to justify the act of raping her. — Iraq.

Christians reciting the rosary inside St. Anthony Church in Ventimiglia, Italy were told by refugee-volunteers to keep their prayers down as they were bothering newly arrived Muslim migrants. — Italy.

Thank you Khandro, yes I have seen that before but it bears repeating. Your 14.43 post seems to be par for the course for this religion, sadly and outrageously.

Gromit and others who doubt or disbelieve naomi's knowledge of islam, here is a post by her from a year ago that should dispel those doubts.

// I began questioning religion when I was given a book written by Erich von Daniken entitled ‘Chariots of the Gods’. In that book the author quoted numerous verses from the bible, and as a Christian who had, like most Christians, never read the bible in its entirety, I was shocked by what I was reading. In an effort to prove the author wrong – at least in my own mind - I read that book alongside the bible and carefully checked each reference I came across discovering, admittedly to my utter dismay, that, without exception, they were all entirely accurate. That was a long time ago but the study of religion and its history became my abiding passion. I now own a vast library of books that includes books on practically every religion known to man encompassing bibles in all flavours, the Book of Mormon, three versions of the Koran, as well as works by theologians, philosophers, and atheists. Don’t tell anyone but in one way or another I go to bed with God every night. ;o)
11:39 Wed 09th Sep 2015 \\

To dismiss naomi's opinions as uninformed is ridiculous.

ladybirder, Gosh! I'm amazed you've stumbled across that! Thank you.
I think I'll keep it for future use naomi;-))
Be my guest. :o)

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