I was hypnotised to give up chocolate, and avoid sugar in drinks and on cereal.
I wore headphones, and my therapist played ambient music through them and spoke to me, along with several other voices which drifted in and out.
He advised me that I could listen to any of the voices, or none of them, as my subconscious was hearing them without my being aware of it.
The session lasted for about half an hour, I was aware and conscious throughout. The session was simultaneously recorded onto a CD which I took home and played once every night for three weeks to embed the messages.
From that day forward - it was eighteen months ago - I have not touched chocolate, having lost all desire to taste it, and even a vague feeling of nausea when I see large displays of it in supermarkets.
I have also stopped having sugar in tea and coffee because the taste is horrible, but sadly, I don't enjoy the taste of tea or coffee without sugar, so my consumption is down to maybe two coffees a day now.