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Life After Death ?

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fender62 | 19:13 Sat 29th Jul 2017 | Religion & Spirituality
49 Answers
nice idea to think, it's not all over when we pass...? your thoughts


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I don't - and never have - believed in life after death. I don't scoff at any who does for, if it brings them comfort, who am i to burst their bubble. Obviously don't believe in ghosts either. The billions and billions of people who have gone before the 7 billion living today all have the potential to become ghosts. If that were true, we'd be tripping over them!
I am fairly sure that when we die, that is "The End"
I am quite happy with that thought to be honest.

As for these near death experiences or coming back from the dead etc. how do these people know they were dead at the time or did they see all this stuff just before death.

I would love to be able to believe in an afterlife but so far I have no convincing evidence of such an occurrence.
The Bible teaches about death and resurrection....
But so does nature.
There's night: Death. Day: Resurrection
There's sleep: Death. Waking-up: Resurrection
There's Winter: Death. Spring: Resurrection

Unfortunately, religion and superstitious man-made teaching has confused a lot of people. But the above examples have been witnessed and experienced by every living creature on Earth.

So, to conclude: Death is like a long unconscious sleep until it's time for us to be resurrected back to life. Occam's Razor: the simplest answer is often the truest.
Truthteller88, Please give an example that has been "witnessed" and I dont mean mumbo jumbo out of some religious book!!
oh great Good Life still lives and is lurking

I liked John 14 - “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

sort of shorter and simpler
oops didnt see the bit about religious mumb jumbo
dubbl sizza

but hey no one is gonna notice on AB are they ?
Those that have been lucky enough to reproduce have a chance to be immortal and the more they have reproduced the greater the chance, just as we are all the products of our immortal ancestors going back thousands of generations and if any one of them had failed to reproduce, we as individuals would not be here.....
Rob....this is pure twaddle.
Truthteller88, from your link ….// We urge you to study these things [all teachings, prophecies and laws contained within the Bible] for yourselves…//

Good advice. Over the course of many years I've done exactly that - which is why I no longer believe a word of it.
There must be some of your great Grandfather in you - ergo he's still around in some form - or did the stork bring you?
Mikey came with the Cuckoo.

We all think/believe what we wish to Religion aside. I think it's a mistake to associate sightings of what people call ghosts or spirits with the human side of us living on in some way.

I would never try to convince anyone of my view.
In theory if not in practice, there may be none of your grandfather in you. What he passed to your parents may not have been passed to you.
//I think it's a mistake to associate sightings of what people call ghosts or spirits with the human side of us living on in some way. //

I think it's a mistake to associate those things with religion.

'Religion aside' referred to my whole reply.
Today. We do not see God performing such miracles by the hands of his Christian servants today, because all needed things are present and available to the literate population of the world, and to help those who cannot read but who will listen, there are mature Christians who have knowledge and wisdom gained by study and experience. It is not necessary for God to perform such miracles at this time to attest to Jesus Christ as God’s appointed deliverer, or to provide proof that He is backing up His servants. Even if God were to continue to give his servants the ability to perform miracles, that would not convince everyone, for not even all the eyewitnesses of Jesus’ miracles were moved to accept his teachings. (Joh 12:9-11) On the other hand, scoffers are warned by the Bible that there will yet be stupendous acts of God performed in the destruction of the present system of things.—2Pe 3:1-10;
Goodlife, do put a sock in your preaching, there's a good chap. You know no more about life - or death - than anyone else. You just think you do.
Did someone actually compare a reputable medical journal with the creative imaginations of a religious text, as if they were equivalent ?

Or claim life's so fine compared to the past that it's the explanation as to why religious texts claims there were miracles in the past but none now ?
Naomi@ You continue in your world of dreams. I do know what the future holds unlike you. The Bible was not written for nothing and you are now living the prophecies and if you knew a little more about the Bible, you will see that everything man has done and is doing, is all foretold.
I firmly believe in life after death.
I believe in the hereafter too but sometimes I can't believe the codswallop that Goodlife comes out with...

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