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Been Up All Night

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Theland | 04:42 Sun 08th Apr 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
36 Answers
I have been up all night.
Can't sleep.
Using my time to catch up on the latest prophecy news.
About a third of the Bible is prophecy, and most of it is concerned with end times. OUR times.
I am not trying to preach, or lecture.
I do urge you to make a concerted effort to research end time prophecies on YouTube. There are Plenty of them
Even if you don't believe them they will entertain you.
Every time I switch on the news, it is the pieces of the prophecy jig saw puzzle pieces getting closer to locking together.
Please please give it a go.
Approach it without bias and check out the evidence.
I humbly beg you to try it, and respectfully hope you get something out of it.
Thank you.
Will you?


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"Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

That was the lead up to 70AD, Theland. Fast forward to theMillerites 1844, JWs (part 1) 1914 and every other date/generation in between. "Last" becomes a very elastic concept, don't you think?
The issue is that the human brain is good at seeing patterns and matches even when none really exist.
I am sure an A/B Salvationist will soon be on your thread soon to help you out.
Theland, what makes your End Times prophecy (I presume there’s only one......there can be only one) so special?
Who was it who said "When you stop looking forward you have no future". I may be old and decrepit but there are still many things I wish to do. The Bible was written for a different age and, except in very basic terms, has little relevance to the modern troubled world.
The danger with prophecies is that they can become self-fulfilling, like the 'Dabiq prophecy' in the Koran which fuelled ISIS to carry it out, simply on the basis that it had been prophesised - (can't spell it!)
Theland, you’ll drive yourself potty dwelling on all this nonsense. What difference does it make to you if the world is coming to an end? You’ll die some day anyway. We all do. That's life.
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If you stopped worrying about the end of the world you might sleep better.
\\ I humbly beg you to try it, and respectfully hope you get something out of it.//
What do you think we'll get out of it, whatever "it" is?
//What do you think we'll get out of it,//

Sleepless nights by the sound of it. That's enticing.
Naomi is right....why worry? If it's going to happen it one can stop it. If it doesn't happen we and those after us will carry on until the planet ceases to be.

What you are doing Theland is going through a religious mania time....either you continue and drive yourself mental or you stop, think and find a nice relaxing hobby....
//[ you will die ! that's life!]// oh gawd as s/o might say

not much recognition of " When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." - so in passing we pass into everlasting life.
Incredible and someone has been saying this for 2000 y. None so deaf as the er deaf....

so I think a quick blast today wont do much good
( You are feeling low .... on Low Sunday. bit of liturgy there.joke)

V-E has scraped the surface with millenarianism - the feeling that the world is just about to end. and so - tribulation and ecstasy (rapture) is next on the list as they are predicted as a sure sign that the End of Times is here.
is quite interesting as a southern baptist point of view

and in contrast to you - when I hear the news,
I actually DON'T think oo-er! all this is in the Book of Revelation. I DO think - the book of Revelation is a mystic document written in the first century, and has nothing to say to us 2000 y later

PP, //not much recognition of " When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."//

None. (Not seen your GP yet then?).
Can someone please help with that word in my post 08:43? Can't find it.
Khandro, I don't think the prophecy comes from the koran, but rather the hadith. I don't know what word you're talking about.
Sorry, didn't see your post, Naomi.
No problem.

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