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Christian Profile?

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Theland | 22:42 Mon 27th Aug 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
64 Answers
What, in your opinion, should a Christian look, dress and behave like?
Drinking tea? Dunking biscuits? Forming Christian cliques?
Etc etc.


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OK, I can wait 3-5 months...where you moving to?

If you can't be rsed to get my name right I think I might just have to put your threads under closer scrutiny.
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Baldric- Many apologies. How ill mannered of me. Sorry.
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Staying in Bromborough.
Just need to get out of this cold, mould infested listed building, and into a nice warm double glazed place.
Cheaper council tax and across the road from Aldi so cheaper shopping. Here's hoping. Viewing tomorrow.
No halo here as I've tinted my hair red but I do get big McD
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How's things Tambo?
Understand you had or having a rough time recently.
Do hope I am wrong.
Am ok but my son is still in hospital with scleroderma that entails IV bloods alternating with IV 12h feeds. He has tubes everywhere & now in his 3rd hossie. I hope a cure is found soon.
Hope they can help your son get better soon Tambo xxx
Thankx Kval, he went to hossie in March, 6mts & still no cure.
Oh how awful for you both, I do hope they can manage to do something more than they have so far. You're in my thoughts xxx
This illness can hit anyone anytime, that's the fear of it. He doesn't imbibe but did smoke. Docs say it's in the genes and I did have Reynauds, which scleroderma is worse form of. I recall him showing me his white-grey fingers last Xmas. Facebook keeps him sane.
I think they probably look human, like the rest of us. I think they should behave in a humane way.
I have had the misfortune to meet only those who proclaim “I’m a Christian you know” and then behave in a way that I believe to be totally exclusive and selfish.
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So sorry for you, your son and the family Tambo.
Hope and pray for a breakthrough soon.
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Jakep- I get that. I really do.
Yes it can be off putting to meet somebody like that.
We all, (especially me), have our failings and can bring belief in Christ into disrepute.
God forgive us. God forgive ME.
It is a terrible thing to set a poor example.
The uncomfortable thing is that often, I find myself trying not to defend Christianity, but what unbelievers think Christianity should be. There is often a difference and a misquoting of scripture to back up the criticisms.
Ah well. Onward and upward.
Why do christians always think they are better than atheists? Why does having a religion make you somehow better than those who don't? I don't have or need religion in my life. I did when I was young, but that was because my mum was religious. But as I grew up, I realised that it was all a load of nonsense and I haven't looked back. I thought that christians were supposed to be compassionate, but I find them condescending.
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Kat - THIS Christian no way believes in what you said.
Why so bitter?
You are probably a far better person than me, most are.
I just have a belief that's all.
Because a lot of them are. They try to convert you to their way of thinking because it's 'right' and you'll be a better person for it! Sorry but I don't need or want it. I'm sure you're a very nice person but I wouldn't want to marry you!
Exactly kvalidir! x
Thought so :) No offence intended Theland x

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