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Ok, Ill Take Theland Up On His Offer Then

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nailit | 19:09 Mon 22nd Oct 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
271 Answers
//Please just give me ONE question to answer//

Why would I want to 'befriend' a God that admits that it creates evil?
Isaiah 45:7...
//I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things//


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1929 when Mussolini gave the Pope sovereignty over Vatican State.
And grapes? Bed rest now. Been a long night.
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I suggested you take up heavy drinking instead of these ravings, Theland, but you’ve ignored me.

Might help you calm down.
Quite calm Bainbrig.
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1ozzy - I like it! Bring me your raving religious loonies and I’ll get them off their Holy Books and into the bottle.

Suits you, sir.
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And what about raving atheist loonies?
Or Ostriches with their heads buried in the sand?
You one of those people who don't think?
A fair question, Theland.

I would like ALL raving fundamentalists to do something other than rave.

I’d rather they (and you) took up rational thinking instead of ranting, but drink might help. One step at a time.
Bainbrig - actually I do drink. Rather too much I'm afraid.
On the wagon at the moment. Health and money reasons.
Brain still works quite well though.
I rise again on this fristy froisty morning
( hey rather obvious reference to resurrection theology on a Sunday morning
'and they will not be given in marriage not marry' - bit of sex in the NT there boys and girls)

and find they are still at it and not even further forward.

ho hum normal day on AB then
// Bainbrig - actually I do drink. Rather too much I'm afraid. //

oo that's not very biblical ! ref to miracle at Cana coming up - Jesus turns water into wine and not the uvva way round. on the intercession of Mary ( hence the cafflicks crawling round wiv rosaries asking her to intercede 2000 y later like she did then) and froo his farver. Not through himself. At this stage his miracles are done froo der farver as his nature ( phoosis ) is human.

hey you dont need to go to |Church now
you have learnt more theology in the last 15 s than in the last 15 y !
You spend considerable time and effort trying to convince others of the veracity of biblical prophecy ….. so let’s say, for argument's sake, you finally manage to convince everyone you’re right, that prophecy is approaching fulfilment, and that Armageddon is imminent. What then? If this is God’s plan the ultimate outcome is unavoidable so what do you expect anyone to do about it?
Sorry, that^ to Theland.
oh that's not me - they are the words of the Revd Dr Arthur Yates ( famous theologian apparently) when he was teaching us NT Greek (and not theology as he pointed out) in 1980
oh the answer to that is in the Apocalypse
which no one reads (!) nowadays as it was obvioiusly written in the expectation of imminent end of the world around 100AD. Hey it gives me a chance to mention my face word - eschatology - theology of the last days

the end of times - a period of chaos, then calm ('bliss') and then something else.
what do we do ? sell all our stuff to non believers and go out into the garding and wait for the second coming....

The fundamentalists in the Deep South are very keen on this - you can pick and choose your hell-fire church as to whether the end is next week or next year - and of course the pipes bombs and pittsburgh are central to their argument that the end is coming after a time of chaos.

yeah - saying criminal events have theological meaning - not keen on this myself......

you did ask
Naomi - Not listen to me or anybody, but prayerfully search the scriptures asking Jesus Christ to reveal Himself to you.
Theland, Why do you want me to do that?
Because we all need a Saviour.
The need and why is clearly spelled out in the Bible.

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