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Satan Claws

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Theland | 23:31 Tue 23rd Oct 2018 | Religion & Spirituality
40 Answers
More effort seems to go into supporting unbelief in God, than in Satan Claws, sorry, Santa Clause, who for a few weeks every year, give people a very real hope of happiness if only long term misery is traded in, debt, false promises, pressure, exhaustion and falsity to name just a few.
But to millions, God is dead and many sacrifices are made on the altar of the materialistic Satan Claws, sorry Father Christmas. What a nice innocent name.
But so many atheists will make sacrifice to this Coca Cola idol and false god, and love every minute of their suffering, deluding themselves that it really is, a very merry Christmas.


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A abbo bush shelter.
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Bloody posh. It's got a roof.
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Lol. Night All,
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Santa and God........hmmmm
Two abject lies that we get told as children.
If we’re fortunate, we find out that neither exist....
I can't see a question there, Theland. What are you talking about?
I think Theland thinks I should drag my kids to church rather than buy them the latest game station or X-Box or summat
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I don't get too involved with Christmas, David loved it once he was part of a family. I used to make all the cakes, puddings, mince pies, truffles, shortbread etc etc I was exhausted by Christmas Eve. Now Rowan goes to Iceland and Sainsbury delivers the rest. I liked giving a few presents but would never get into debt.
It's a great time to eat, drink, and be merry. Just don't get stuck traipsing around crowded shops looking for presents others didn't really want anyway.

As for Santa, he's just a guy reminding you to have some fun in life. If one has a misunderstanding of him, one can find him in many shops, probably from here until Xmas day, to ask for enlightenment.
Santa Claus was very important to me, as a child. Now ,Christmas is a time for a family get together, which is lovely. Nothing particularly spiritual about it though.
I really believe you should demonstrate some Christian Charity to poor old Santa.
After all the old man only comes once a year and that's down chimneys.
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Naomi - Just for you.

Do you not see my point?

A national celebration of the arrival of the Coca Cola God, compared to the denigration of the one true God?

No, Theland, I don’t see your point. Christmas is and always has been a panto – oh, yes it is! 'Satan Claws'? Pathetic.
Jesus was not born at Christmas. Santa Claus is an abbreviation of Saint Nicholas, allegedly a monk or bishop who gave gifts to children around the Yuletide celebrations. Humanity has celebrated and feasted around the winter equinox for thousands of years, long before the Bible was written. Perhaps the falsehood is Christianity taking over a Celebration that is millennia old.
I lost all faith in Santa when he didn’t bring me a bike and sister never got her pram

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