What is your attitude to your local church?
Are they a source of division and conflict, or do they serve the local community in any tangible way?
And what about the clergy and the regular worshippers? Do they make an impression on you of compassion and community activism?
Do they do harm?
I like my local church
It is not a source of division but a focal point for quiet reflection and remembrance
I have no personal view of the clergy or the regular worshipers but each to their own .
there is no such thing as a bad religion
Love my local church, But I have to really it's only about one hundred yards away from where I live ( It' s been very close for most of my life )https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4338/37002161966_b4112daa14_b.jpg
Vicar Carl is a lovely guy, lives around two hundred yards away from me.
( only draw back is the bell ringing practice on a Monday evening ).
I have three "local churches" if you include a gurdwara and a masjid (i.e. mosque).
The Catholic church rings a bell on Sunday mornings. The Sikh temple causes nobody any problems. On the odd Friday when there are too many of them you will get some of the faithful attending the mosque parking their cars wherever they like, which might be your or your neighbour's drive.